Biologist Bora Coturnix has been edutaining the world for a while with his blogging on science, politics, and the relations between the two. Now he is coming out with a new book he has edited, The Open Laboratory: The Best Writing on Science Blogs 2006. And he is collecting nominations for the 2007 edition. In the meantime, you can buy the book.
Why is Bora Coturnix the name in your entry but Bora Zivkovic the name on the book?
Greetings to you from the anal retentive state of affairs.
Heya Darko -- Coturnix is the nickname Bora uses for his blogging. It's a type of quail, I believe.
Hmmmm. Coturnix sounds like a character out of Asterix.
That is a mythical Asterix character that has never actually appeared in any episode. Coturnix is a bird that Obelix nurtures back to health (broken wing and such), which then sits on his shoulder, talks profanities, and occasionally helps our heroes in their adventures. Unfortunately, those stories were never published....[just joking - that is the Latin name for the Japanese quail]
Mr. Coturnix,
Just curious.
Why the Japanese quail? Why not this or perhaps this? While the coturnix is attractive in that preyed-upon soon-to-be-a-victim sort of way, there's nothing like a raptor to get one's nervous juices flowing.
Justr wondering.
It is my lab research animal...
Well have you seen a picture of Bora? he LOOKS like a couturnix! :) *runs away*
Today's secret Klingon Word of the Day:udxxl: n. a bra for cows with extra large udders.
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