They say Harlan Sanders was not really a colonel
I am just posting stuff I read. I am not making it up. What makes you think I could make this up?
Update: Oops, sorry, gender confusion. Apparently Mina Minić is a dude. And here is (perhaps) a photo.
Tracing the paper trail

Which belongs not to him, but to this person:

Or that is at least one of the versions. In another version he assumed the identity of a much younger person who was killed during the siege of Sarajevo.
What is fairly certain is that he did not get the false identity on his own. The answer to the question of how he got it probably depends on when he got it. If it was early on, it could have been as early as 1993 when the younger Dragan Dabić was killed. Then chances are that the documents were provided by Karadžić's fellow criminals in Bosnia. If it was later, and the most frequent guess now seems to be that was in Belgrade from 2005 onward, it would have to have been done by criminals in Serbia. What kind of criminals in Serbia? Follow the paper trail: who issues the documents?
Your reading suggestion for the day
Blago cara Radovana
Also, in the trivia department -- Radovan's gentlewoman friend's identity is revealed.
Scheveningen: Pa da, OK, važi
Pavlović je za B92 rekao da je razgovarao s Karadžićem i o svom obilasku Sheveningena. "Onda sam mu rekao: ‘Davide, Sheveningen je jedno super mesto, koje morate obavezno da posetite. On je pun hotela, plaža, stvarno jedno predivno mesto na Zemlji.’ On je samo slegnuo ramenima i rekao: ‘Pa, da, OK, važi’", priča Pavlović.He didn't mention the jazz festival.
The way the story goes, Mladić is negotiating the terms of his own surrender, wants to avoid being tried, and passed on what he knew about his former co-conspirator to soemone, possibly the German intelligence agency BND.
It's all very interesting, though the article is short on detail and a bit rambling. According to my sources, Mladić is living under an assumed identity and working as an alternative pedicurist in Kuršumlija.
On the other hand, the more I look at the article, the more it looks like it was planted there, and not by a person skilled in feng shui.
Dabogda te posetio Čavoški

Photo: Luka Karadžić arrives with his tailor and cosmetician to visit his brother.
Man of many roles
Delovanje Dabića: dubine i dubioze
People with whom he came into contact in the "medical" world also did not suspect anything, except that the editor of Zdrav život never did believe he had a medical degree or profession (but nevertheless appreciated Karadžić's articles on meditation and the like, which do seem to have attracted a readership). A couple of people used his healing services, which seemed to involve waving his hands around people's bodies, which would appear to constitute "classical bioenergy," and the purchase of pendants. Oh, and he seems to have been inseparable from someone called Mila.
There were only a few signs of his old political affiliations and of the ideas that led him a few years earlier to become a perpetrator of genocide. Apparently he frequented a bar where traditional gusle music was played, and liked to listen, sometimes played and sang songs about himself facing a picture of himself with a larger hairdo, and praised his fellow traditional music enthusiasts for preserving folk customs. This is hardly determinative of anything, though -- the overwhelming majority of people who appreciate traditional culture are not criminals at all.
A couple mild indications can also be found in the articles on meditation he wrote for Zdrav život. Again, it is not much: in reflecting on meditation he falls into a digression on the authenticity of cultures and whether they "have not been destroyed or blocked in development." But again, there are many more essentialists out there than there are extremists. Even offering up silly ideas, he gave nobody any reason to suspect who he was.
All in all it sounds as though he succeeded in living the life of a peaceful fellow who did not stand out much in a crowd. Very likely he would have been able to continue doing that if he did not begin to seek publicity for his "treatments." Psychologist Leposava Kron explains this behaviour, which seems to have led to his capture, as representing a need for attention which was unchanged from his previous life.
The David wellbeing program
The petard department
Ceci n'est pas un chapeau

No text to link to, but I just heard an interview on the radio, Tatomir Toroman interviewed the editor of Zdrav život magazine, who published a series of articles on meditation by Dragan (sometimes David) Dabić, and who says that his lectures on meditation were outstanding. The editor had no clue who was hiding behind the assumed name.

Here's a tad more: from Stultitia, scenes from a Dabićin' lecture and the menu for a lovely vegetarian repast.
A jogurt?
Dragan Dabić in the literature
"Dragan Babic [sic], and Srecko Dogandzic's office, I saw aThe testimony took place in June 2005. We still do not know when Karadžić began using the pseudonym.25 civilian male Albanian, aged about 20, lying on the blue carpeted floor
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1 without his shoes on. Dragan Babic [sic] was sitting on his legs and
2 remained there when I walked in. Srecko Dogandzic had a baton in his hand
3 and he froze when he saw me, he was standing behind Dragan Babic and it
4 was obvious that he had been beating the young man's bare feet. Dragan
5 Jasovic was in a crouched position at the guy's head with his hands either
6 side of the young man's head, it was if he had let the guy's head go when
7 I entered the room. Radomir Mitic was standing by the desk and he froze
8 when I entered the room.
9 "Jasovic stood up --" Sorry. "Dragan Babic [sic] and Dragan
10 Jasovic stood up. As Babic got up --" Dabic, I beg your pardon. I'm
11 misreading it. "As Dabic got up, he practically stood on the young man's
12 genitals and went over and stood by the wall. Dragan Jasovic was wearing
13 a button down cardigan-type sweater which was open, and as he stood up, he
14 stood on the right-hand side of his sweater, which caused him to slightly
15 lose balance."
16 Now, do you remember an incident with Dragan Dabic, Srecko
17 Dogandzic, and a young man who was being beaten?
18 A. Dragan Dabic and Srecko Dogandzic worked with grand larcenies and
19 theft. That was their area of work.
20 I'm not aware of this case at all. And I never wore a pullover.
21 I always wore a jacket. I am not aware of this case at all. I wore polo
22 shirts or T-shirts in summertime.
Raša Ram Dass

Is this the photo of Karadžić alias Dragan Dabić we have been wondering about? AFP says it is. Would you take this fellow's alternative medicine?
Alternatives to medicine

Says Rasim Ljajić at his press conference, Karadžić was living in Belgrade and dressing like the jazz-folk legend Louis, and practicing "alternative medicine" at a private clinic under the assumed name Dragan Dabić. And Ljajić directly answered the folks looking for hidden meaning (I guess I am one of them) behind the timing of the arrest: "This shows that we do not choose the place or time for the arrest of suspects. There was international pressure to arrest Mladić, hardly anyone expected the arrest of Karadžić, but our operative findings led to the location and arrest of Karadžić." So there you have it.
Adil Zulfikarpašić
And the competition begins ....
Ej, pa sad
Initial observations
- It was announced that he was arrested, but not where. This matters in the sense that a lot of people have claimed for a long time either that they know where he is or that someone else does. The BBC report sazs that he was arrested "by Serbian security officers," which would suggest that it happened in Serbia.
- On the same say that Karadžić was arrested, Dinko Šakić died. Pravo stiže svakom govnu.
- The Tribunal had better not mess this one up because there are not many chances left.
A couple more details, from B92: it happened in Serbia, and the Interior ministry had no part in it.