
What a silly Dzugashvili

The theme of next year's convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (yes, the acronym is what you think, but no, it is not pronounced that way) is "The Gender Question." This harks back to the legendary Eighteenth Congress of 1936 when they solved "The Woman Question" and made a great leap forward toward solving "The Nationalities Question." On each occasion, they received $64,000.


Catherine said...

Why, I'd never even thought of pronouncing it that way (despite being English, and therefore inheriting double entendre radar the way that [nationality] inherits [stereotype of choice]).

Tempted as one might be to do so from time to time...

Eric Gordy said...

When I am in the presence of the group, I never think of pronouncing it any other way.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Postwar Reconstruction and Development Unit of an (unnamed) UK University whose work in post-Yugoslav countries was always dogged with the correct pronunciation of their acronym 'prdu'

Anonymous said...

"When I am in the presence of the group, I never think of pronouncing it any other way."

Wow, so you have parted from uuuss, body AND soul? You'll be missed!