
Back online!

Well, that was neither easy nor comprehensible. The gentleman with many wire cutters came by this morning to set up our new internet service, with any luck faster and more reliable than the dubious one provided by Verizon. The main benefit: it offers broadband without requiring a phone line. So he came, set up the connection in the wall quite nicely, and then went on his merry way, leaving me to figure out how to get their connection to mesh with our wireless router and VOIP. Two hours later, quite frustrated, with an aching back, and really not certain what I did that worked or why, it's up. Lovely world, full of technology that can probably be understod by someone. Now, it's off to try to install the light for under the counter in the kitchen.


zdenka pregelj said...

So, you see, they knew you could do it!!!

Eric Gordy said...

Ha, I still haven't done the kitchen light!

Katja R. said...

well the internetless feeling is one I know too well. I cannot live in the U.S. without the internet! The computer is vital to my school and will become vital to my future employment. So 'I feel your pain!'