
Courtesy of Index.hr, here is the full text of the song "Mater vam jebem" by Edo Maajka, for which HRT and Nova TV have decided that they would not broadcast the video spot. It is true that the song contains some of what the linguists among us call by the technical term "naughty words," but this may not necessarily be the thing that bothers the TV producers.
Mater vam jebem
Kod nas se od Dejtona godine broje, ljudi se ljudi boje i svako glasa za svoje. Brđani postaju građani, do jučer svjetla gasili sjekirama, a sad su u odjelima.
Mirnese, sredi ih Mirnese, jebi im mater, ako se ti počneš prodvat i tebi ću mater jebavat da znaš, nije bitna ideologija, bitna je biologija, bitna je genetika balije, ustaše i četnika!
Svaka ovca svome krdu. Krave uz telad, u šarena vrata gledat, jedni drugima mater jebat. Znam ko je počeo rat, znam šta je glad! Znam kad su šešeljevci došli u moj grad!
Pričamo ono kako je sad, slabo se mičemo s mjesta, puni smo rupa ko naša cesta. Često vučemo ručnu - vidiš svaki biser, išli bi naprijed ali volimo taj rikverc.
Postalo nam navika da ne radi ni jedna fabrika, malverzacije prešutimo da šefove ne ljutimo, navikli smo, na gebiru i u miru. Mladi iz zemlje bježe, izbjeglice se vratit neće ne moraju, nek zarađuju, nek nam šalju para mi ćemo živit u mraku i jedni drugima jebavat majku...
Cijela država plaća reket, po kućama oružja od rata čuje se zveket, imamo mina ko jagoda - pune oranice, ali neće brati gurodovi sto su pravili sadnice!
Bole nas kite, imamo resursa više, pogotovo metala, govana, metana, to je naš zrak i hrana, s tim nas vođe hrane. Ne znam za vas ja sam sit, u mene više ne stane. Svako kurac u državi puši, zatvara uši.
Pred nepoznatim ljudima držim jezik za zubima. Dal selam, zdravo, bog? Kako je pravo? Ne znam više šta da kažem, u sranju da se ne nađem.
Pas je ujeo bubu, sviraju ratnu trubu, ljude drukčijeg pogleda imaju na zubu, a da im isprave pogled poslaće im jedan odred da im zapaljenu kuću gledaju kroz dvogled.
Al nema ratne nevjere što može uništit temelje, onaj korijen kuće u kojem su naše duše, onu burmu i lanac što u temelj baci Bosanac. Kad kuću pravi u temelj dio sebe stavi! Srušit do temelja ne ide! Temelj, on će ostat vječan ko Sava...
Mater vam jebeeeeeem!
Mater vam jebeeeeeem!
Mater vam jebeeeeeem!
Mater vam jebeeeeeem!
a to je cisto ulizivanje aktualnoj RH politici + uobicajena hrvatska kolicina laznog moraliziranja...
Pesma ili odluka televizije?
I've seen the video several times on MTV Adria and I while I understood the last few lines I didn't catch most of the rest of it. I actually quite like the song and video aesthetically, to me it had a heavy kind of Eminem feel to it, like Eminem's darker songs. It also reminded me of some American rap videos that will pan images of the slums or projects where the rapper grew up. It's one of the first 'from the soul'--not-about-drinking-and-girls rap songs I've heard here, (granted it's not like I have extensive knowledge of the domestic rap scene). At the end of the video, after shouting, "Mater vam..." the rapper is shown cradling and kissing a baby, which I have to say reminded me of Eminem's fondness for children, though I'm sure it's symbolic of the rapper's hopes for the future? (I was able to translate some of the lyrics you posted so I have a better idea of it now, though not 100%). Anyway I'm not saying that it's Eminem derivative, but even just from seeing the video and not understanding much of it at the time other than the 'mater vam' and the baby kissing, it seemed like a kind of 'shock 'em' marketing approach that not's unusual in hip-hop. Okay now who is going to post a translation?
Francesco, I have to say that you did a brilliant job! I can't evaluate how good the translation from serbocroato to talijanski is, but the graphic resolution and annotation are great! It's at:
I'm not sure I can do a translation. Today is a travelling day (8 hours through freezing rain to Baltimore), and I'm a little shy to do all Edo's naughty words. Any takers? I think he is a fine writer, and his language is a very interesting mix of street talk and local Brckoisms, all in a poetic structure that isn't half bad.
Hmmm, mogao bi se srediti prijevod na engleski..onako u duhu (hillbillyevskom naravno, LOL!). Vidim da se dotices svega pa eto, da i ja ostavim svoj trag. Sinoc sam i ja puknula post o zabrani te pjesme, zapravo samo citirajuci neke izvore uz link za skidanje spota.Naslov je glasio nesto tipa, "jos jedna cenzura" ili u tom stilu.Jedna blogerica je natuknula komentar da se u BigBrother kuci mogu cuti puno gore stvari pa da ih se tolerira.Naravno da se tolerira,isto kao i pjevanje ustaskih pjesama, ali ne d'o Bog da Hrvati cuju koju prostu na TV! Tssssssss! Cemer,tuga,jad i bijeda! Vecina komentatora je naravno osudjivala taj stav spomenutih televizija sto,nadam se govori o politickoj kakvoj-takvoj osvijestenosti, uvidjajuci da postoji drugi razlog stavljanja veta na spot.Edina tematika je socijala i zivot malog covjeka u zemlji (zemljama)nakon rata i kako razlike postoje a moroni su i dalje na vlasti, a narod i dalje obespravljen i sit sranja, a to je ocito nesto sto se nije dopalo glavesinama TV kuca koje su uvijek po defaultu vezane za politicke aktualne struje. Sto to ne smijemo znati zabranom spota? I da li su rijeci "Jebem vam mater" toliko snazne da mogu srusiti neciju fotelju? Ocito da, cim spota nema,uz bijednu ispriku eksplicitnog govora!
Hej, bas bih bio zahvalan! Sam bih se pobrinuo za prevod, ali je ovde guzva velika, takoreci "end of semester crunch" (nije bonbona). Sada pokusavam da sredim download, nesto ne pali sa Monitor-a.
Za ostale ... link za spot se nalazi na blogu blogistica.blog.hr.
here's translation. I have to apologize to everyone if it sounds stupid,but that's best I could do, with english not being my first language and concidering the Bosnian slang and methaphores which are,at least to me,difficult to translate.Nidless to mention that "spirit" of the original lyrics get a bit "lost in translation". Eric, I hope your critics won't be to hard! :)
„Mother fucker“
People in fear, voting for „theirs“,counting the years since „Dayton“
Hillbilles becoming citizens,now wearing suits, but yesterday turning the lights off by throwing axes.
Mirnese (name),get them, get those mother fuckers
If you don't, you'll become one
You know it wasn't about ideology, but biology and genetics of Balija's,Ustasha's and Chetnik's!
Birds of a feather flock together, stick together, diss the others.
I know who started the war, I know what is hunger, I know when Seselj army came into my town!
Talking 'bout now, not going places, full of holes like our roads
Often pulling a brake, willing to move on, but loving going backwards.
It became a habbit keepin' quiet 'bout embezzlement-god forbid stepping on boss's toes, no workin' factories,
It became a habbit, youngs fleeing abroad, refugees not returning-don't have to,let them work,let tem earn and send some money-
We'll live in dark and scream to eachother “Mother fucker!“
Whole state pays the racketeers, houses jingle with weapons sounds
Mines like strawberries laying around the fields, but bastards playing gardener putting them , won't be pickin' them.
We don't give a shit, we have a resources, metal, shit, methane, that's our air and food, the leaders are saying.
I don't know about you, but I'm full.
Everybody in the state playing deaf and dumb, sucking the dick to the bigger ones.
I keep my mouth shout in front of the people I don't know. How to speak nowdays-I don't know. Don't want to get in troubles.
Everybody different is being watched, to change their point of view they'll send a squad to burn their homes.
But nothing can ruin the foundations, the part of house where our spirit is.
Foundations joined together with wedding ring and chain.
Nothing can ruin the foundation that Bosnian made –he puts his heart and soul
builting them.
Level with ground-no way! Foundation stays for ever, like river Sava...
Mother fuckers!
Mother fuckers!
Mother fuckers!
Good translation. Good resolution of the maternal question.
Well, Eric, ty very much. I have to admit that I feared a bit of your criticism of translation.:) (knowing the fact that you understand the language!) But, it's the rough one, I hope it gave a picture, at least a little part of it, of what the song is about. @Anonymous expat-you were right about symolism of baby, that sequence followed the last part of lyrics when he talks about foundations -the only thing that's left, but also that they are permanent,that they are reminder that people used to live there, and also that nothing can erase that-newborn as a "new" foundation. Life will go on for ever,and spirit is unbreakable. It also suggest in a way the circle.The circle of life which goes on no matter what. (...and so on...)
So, this is about Croatian television not wanting to air a video with lyrics which might be considered critical of the government or the Fatherland War?
If so, it's a pretty sorry thing to see in a country which aspires to join the EU.
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