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Katja R. said...

yeah i know wierd! so a bad news situation is about to get markedly worse

Eric Gordy said...

I have always believed that what was really lacking in the local media scene was a lot of far right nonsense.

Anonymous said...

No worries, Fox is offered in the additional cable package and there isnt any news. Its just the teengage stuff although I rather hope that they will offer the Simpsons sooner or later.

Oh and as far as Boogaloo Karic and his TV station is concerned - well its is a pity in a kind of first private TV station in Serbia kind of way. But programme content is apalling.

Still, again political decisions in Serbia from organisations or bodies that are supposed to be seperate from government

Eric Gordy said...

BK hasn't been the same since they stopped that morning cooking show with the two French ladies who made delightful-looking dishes from ingredients that were completely unavailable to the BK audience.

Katja R. said...

The Simpsons and Futurama! The Simpsons have been available for quite some time in re:runs on HRT, I used to watch them with subtitles, helped me no end with the language.