
Lazy person's guide: How to walk your dog in Belgrade

  1. Go down stairs to the kafić that somebody very thoughtfully put in the space between your building and the one next.
  2. Release dog.
  3. Order coffee, chat with neighbours.
  4. Order another coffee, chat some more.
  5. Repeat as necessary.


Katja R. said...

Heh! you could not walk your dog that way in the Yakima Gulag! :) Someone would probably steal your dog if you did that. As well nema kafana na zalost!

Bg anon said...

Has you ever spotted the guy with the largest dog in Belgrade?

It might have some great dane in it but not certain which breed. I do know that this huge hound causes quite a few broad smiles. Watching the reactions is almost as pleasant as watching the dog canter (as in horse) along the street.

Eric Gordy said...

I've seen some pretty big dogs, but I'm not sure I've seen the biggest. The thought of it...

One thing, though, is that there seems to be a large number of pit bulls. All of which seem to have kind dispositions.

Shaina said...

I live in an apartment complex that technically bans dogs; the number of dogs I see being walked on the adjacent field tells a different story.