Among them has to be counted Klaudio Šturman, a butcher from Rovinjsko Selo, who has invented a ćevapčići making device that can produce 300 kilograms of ćevapčići in an hour.
Klaudio Šturman and his fabulous invention
Mr Šturman expects his new device to considerably lighten the work burden of his colleagues, who up until now have had to make their ćevapčići one at a time.
I think it's absolutely ironic that our Western neighbors are now delighting so openly -- so večernjakly -- in ćevapi when at other times they vehemently decry this Balkanoid, Asiatic assault at the mitteleuropäische cuisine.
Any culinary anthropoologists out there? It would seem reasonable to expect that very few meat products like cevapi were widespread at all in agricultural areas before the modern period. It would require killing a rare farm animal just to get one piece.
Well, Slovenians are great inevntors!!!
You know, I was very impressed when I first saw this item. Then I realised, 300 kg of cevapi, that is really too much, even for me.
Too much for you? But you can always take a short break between the first 150kg and the second 150kg!
I think it's absolutely ironic that our Western neighbors are now delighting so openly -- so večernjakly -- in ćevapi when at other times they vehemently decry this Balkanoid, Asiatic assault at the mitteleuropäische cuisine.
Any culinary anthropoologists out there? It would seem reasonable to expect that very few meat products like cevapi were widespread at all in agricultural areas before the modern period. It would require killing a rare farm animal just to get one piece.
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