
Also, the bicyclists

It would seem that Vojislav Šešelj is preparing his defence at the Hague. He seems to be organising it along the theory that, according to the request for discovery he has filed with the trial chamber, «all of the war crimes which the prosecutor falsely attributes to Šešelj, are in fact primarily the work of the Roman Catholic pope John Paul II.» Clearly, a case of mistaken identity.


Anonymous said...

On the basis of this information, is it possible that Carla del Ponte has a sealed indictment for the Pope and other selected members of the vatican magisterium????

On a more serious note, have you seen Misha Glenny's Nation piece?


Eric Gordy said...

It would be keeping to form if the indictment, or some coy statement about its existence, were to be released after the Pope passes away.
Thanks for the link to the Glenny article! It is a pretty good and wide-ranging analysis, beginning with the indictment against Haradinaj, and going on to economic questions, the corsokak of building functional institutions, a fine bit on the superficiality of the new economy (I have often wondered just who the people are who patronize such temples as the Max Mara store in Belgrade), and some dark predictions on the question of final status. I haven't had the pleasure of reading his pieces for a while.

Katja R. said...

so Vojeslav Seselj is a friend of Rev Ian Paisley?