
Spring in Massachusetts

Yes, Virginia, winter in Massachusetts does last until April. But it's done now, I dare say. Posting was light over the weekend as much of it was spent on outings, exhausting our child and our extravagantly well-walked dog. And spring also means genuine produce, grown on actual farms--no more vegetable-shaped protoplasm from Stop n Shop. This is what we will make tonight with yesterday's find:

Dandelion salad

300 gr dandelion shoots, washed and drained
2 medium potatoes, cooked, peeled and sliced
1 hard-boiled egg, sliced
1 clove garlic, finely chopped (or more, if you like)
2 Tbs pumpkin-seed oil or 3 Tbs salad oil (a mixture of pumpkin-seed and other vegetable oils)
wine vinegar to taste
salt to taste

Put hot potatoes on dandelion shoots; add egg and sprinkle with garlic. Mix oil, vinegar and salt, pour over dandelion and toss vigorously. Serve with fresh rye bread.

It seems to me that capers and anchovies could also not possibly be unwelcome here. This recipe and many others from around the Mediterranean can be found at Gourmed.

1 comment:

Katja R. said...

I do dandelion salad pretty regularly in Spring! for my recipe you will need to look in my site later today! :)