
Sentences for political murders

After a sentencing earlier this month for another another attempted murder of Vuk Drašković, today several members of the so-called «Unit for Special Operations» (JSO), together with former State Security chief Radomir Marković, were sentenced for another attempted murder of Drašković and the kidnapping and murder of Ivan Stambolić. Four members of JSO (including Milorad Ulemek) got maximum sentences of 40 years, while Radomir Marković got just 15. The JSO members were also required to return (to whom?) the money they were paid for their participation.

Slobodan Milošević and Nebojša Pavković were also named in the indictment, but spared trial because they were occupied elsewhere. This may be a logical move or may be, together with Marković's comparatively light sentence, taken as a sign that it still pays better to be a ranking member of a conspiracy than one of its employees.

Thanks to AR for the photos:

Milorad Ulemek takes a moment to wonder about the optometric services available in prison

Slobodan Milošević and Ivan Stambolić, in the days before Milošević had the power to order murders

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